Smart Thermostats
You know the downside of traditional thermostats: They require you to manually set your temperature every time you leave, come home, go to sleep, wake up, etc. With all that button-pushing, some people don’t bother.
Meanwhile, programmable thermostats allow you to schedule temperature settings. So, you can pre-program the system to turn down while you’re at work and asleep. If you program it correctly, these thermostats can lower your heating and cooling bills by about $180/year, according to Energy Star. That’s a quick return on your investment.
Triple E offers smart thermostats in addition to traditional and programmable models. Smart thermostats simplify programming by allowing you to set them up from a web browser or a mobile phone. In addition to being easier to configure, smart thermostats allow you to control your thermostat from your mobile device.

Not sure what kind of thermostat is best for you? Looking for some advice? Contact us today and we'll help you choose the thermostat that's right for you.
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